8 bit sigma mega man
8 bit sigma mega man

Rockman 7 FC is almost entirely customizable players are able to edit, replace, or remove sprites as they please.Although Auto's shop was removed, Auto himself still made a cameo appearance during the cutscene that takes place after Bass wrecked Dr.Despite the fact that the intro stage and Robot Museum stages were removed, NES-style versions of those songs can still be found on the official site, implying that those stages were originally going to be present at one point.Rush Search has been removed, causing many items, like the Exit unit and the Energy Balancer, to change their positions.Freeze Man will no longer taunt Mega Man during any of the fights.Multiple empty rooms originally used as checkpoints in the original Mega Man 7 now have Eddie dropping in with an item.Slash Man's body is green instead of cyan.Turbo Man never makes the sound of his motor turning on and instead always making the screeching noise, forcing the player to do a leap of faith to avoid his Crash Drive.However, this may be due to color limitations. The Wild Coil's palette is orange-light green when it would be normally pink-light green.Shade Man now recovers as much life as he can drain from Mega Man and swoops faster.In the weapon screen, instead of a description of how the weapon works, it shows a demonstration instead, and it goes down to the most critical details, including the Freeze Cracker's multidirectional shots, and the Wild Coil's charge shot.


The secret password still exists: it now warps the player to the last stage with 4 of each tank (except the M-tank) and it gives the player all the weapons and all the Rush plates. The digit passwords of the original (having followed from the first three X games) is replaced by the dots from previous games, though the system has been expanded to an 8-by-8 grid.Bass is not seen at all until the Wily Stages, though he still destroys Dr.All eight Robot Masters stages are available at the start of the game, rather than the four-four split in the original.7FC removes this exaggeration in order to resemble previous games, which also makes the fights a bit more difficult. In the original game, Robot Masters flinch and the reactions of their weaknesses and some other attacks are more exaggerated.Strangely, various places meant to hold screws were recreated. Due to this, bolts and screws are not found anywhere in the game. The intro stage, the Robot Museum stage, and Auto's shop were cut from the game.

8 bit sigma mega man